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Systems Products - Magnetic
Sections on this page - Materials
for Wet-Method Magnetic Particle Inspection | Advanced
Concentrates for Water-Bath Systems | CIRCLESAFE
Aerosols | Dry Method
Powders | Fluorescent Magnetic Particles for Underwater
Nondestructive Testing CIRCLE SYSTEMS, INC.
Better products through chemistry
In January 1956 Warren C. Chedister founded Circle
Chemical. As Circle grew and developed into what it is today, Circle's
matured and in August of 1992 Circle Chemical became Circle Systems,
Inc. Located in the heart of the Midwest, Circle is an hour's
drive west of Chicago's O'Hare Airport.
Circle Systems, Inc. has been a leading manufacturer of magnetic
particles for nondestructive testing for over forty years. Starting
as a chemical company, its roots are in the chemistry of particle
manufacture, wetting agents, anti-foamers, corrosion inhibitors
and pH adjusters. From these roots have grown and developed the
first magnetic particles designed specifically for underwater inspection;
the first water-based aerosol magnetic particle inspection package;
the first magnetic stripe card for quick bath inspection; dual
inspection particles; wetting agents and water base carriers that
retain all the dispersion benefits of oil, while providing non-toxic
and environmentally safe application -- just to name a few.
In addition to the proprietary line, Circle is also a laboratory
specialist -- recognizing the need for unique requirements that
go beyond its proprietary line. For this reason, Circle has developed
special products for the particular needs of the railroads, underwater
inspection and the steel, automotive and aerospace industries.
Circle's chemists, technicians and sales personnel stand ready
to provide you with the formulations, fluorescent and non-fluorescent,
that will meet your individual requirements.
All Circle products are certified to Military, ASTM, AMS and other
pertinent standards.
Materials for Wet-Method Magnetic Particle Inspection MI-GLOW
#800 - Low background, high sensitivity and durability
fluorescent particles for use in a solvent carrier. Certifiable
to AMS 3044 and major aerospace specifications.
MI-GLOW #810 - MI-GLOW #800 fluorescent particles premixed with
powdered WETTING AGENT #100 for use in water media. Certifiable
to AMS 3044 and major aerospace specifications.
MI-GLOW #920 - Low background, high sensitivity and durability
fluorescent particles for use in a solvent carrier. Certifiable
to AMS 3044 and major aerospace specifications.
MI-GLOW #118 - Slightly larger and brighter fluorescent particles
for use in a solvent carrier. For general industrial use such as
forgings, billets and similar applications.
MI-GLOW #218X - MI-GLOW #118 fluorescent particles premixed with
powdered WETTING AGENT #4 for use in a water media.
MI-GLOW #600 - Distinctive red particles for UV and/or visible
light applications. For use in a solvent carrier. Ideal for inspection
on welds and applications where high sensitivity is required but
a dark environment for UV is difficult to attain.
MI-GLOW #850 - MI-GLOW #600 dual-light particles premixed with
powdered WETTING AGENT #100 for use in water media.
MI-GLOW #106 - Black particles for use in a solvent carrier for
detecting fine defects, certifiable to AMS 3041 and other documents.
CIRCLESOL M - A high flashpoint petroleum solvent specifically
designed for use in magnetic particle inspection. Meets the requirements
of AMS 3161, AMS 2641, DOD-F-87935, and Pratt & Whitney 1887.
^ Top Advanced Concentrates for Water-Bath Systems MI-GLOW
#778 - MI-GLOW #800 fluorescent particles premixed with
liquid WETTING AGENT 771 for use in water media. Advance formulation
allows for conversion to water bath from solvent bath for many
applications. Certifiable to AMS 3044 and major aerospace applications.
MI-GLOW #820 - MI-GLOW #106 nonfluorescent particles
premixed with liquid WETTING AGENT #771 for use in water media.
Higher particle
concentration provides heavier indication buildup for easy detection
under visible light conditions.
778-A - Aerosol spray can version of MI-GLOW #778.
Carbon dioxide propellant for odor-free, fume-free inspection.
Excellent for detecting fine defects in confined areas. Packaged
12 cans per carton.
CIRCLESAFE 800-A - MI-GLOW #800 fluorescent particles and CIRCLESOL
M solvent packaged ready-to-use in an aerosol can. Carbon dioxide
propellant. Packaged 12 cans per carton.
CIRCLESAFE 820-A - Aerosol spray can version of MI-GLOW #820.
Carbon dioxide propellant for odor-free, fume-free inspection.
Packaged 12 cans per carton.
CIRCLESAFE 850A - MI-GLOW #600 dual-light particles
and liquid WETTING AGENT #771 (water media) packaged ready-to-use
in an aerosol
can. Carbon dioxide propellant. Packaged 12 cans per carton.
^ Top Dry Method Powders 60
Series - These powders are available in four different colors.
They are highly refined in order to detect minute discontinuities,
and conform to specifications AMS 3040, ASTM E-709, ASME Section
V, and MIL-STD-271F(Ships).
70 Series - Fluorescent orange/red and fluorescent
green powders meet the criteria of 60 Series powders.
Fluorescent Magnetic Particles for Underwater
Nondestructive Testing MI-GLOW
UW #1 - Bright pink particles are visible in natural light
and fluoresce in UV light. Slightly larger particle size for better
enhancement of larger defects.
MI-GLOW UW #528 - Bright red particles are visible in natural
light and fluoresce in UV light. Finer, lighter particles remain
in suspension longer and enhance finer defects.
^ Top
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Products - Magnetic